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   1. Background (brief history)

In 2006, the Law 26.150 was passed in Argentina, which establishes the responsibility of the state to ensure girls, boys and adolescents receive sexual education. Following such law, the National Program for Integral Sexual Education (ESI) was created, to be implemented by the Ministry of Education. The law aimed at incorporating sexual education into the educational proposals in schools; ensuring the spread of relevant knowledge; promote responsible attitudes towards sexuality; prevent issues related to SRH; and allow for equal access of treatment and opportunity for women and men.



   2. Areas of expertise

The rationale for the implementation of the plan is that sexuality encompasses aspects that are biological, psychological, social, cultural, emotional, ethical and juridical. These guidelines orient the actions that are taken within the National Program. The program

  • The program promotes articulation with other projects, programs and areas of the Ministry of Education for the implementation of sexual education strategies, inter-sectorial articulation with the Ministry of Health, civil society organization, international agencies and other institutions related to ESI’s work, and alliances with mass media to spread awareness about the program.

  • It offers technical assistance and follows up different jurisdictions to develop school curriculums that include ESI in all levels and modalities of the educational system.

  • Promotes articulations with families and health centers

  • Continuous training for teachers

  • Creation of material to teach on the subject, in a partnership with the UNFPA, which encompasses videos, magazines, among others.

  • Also in the same partnership, developing an online course entitled “Integral Sexual Education in Schools”, developed to follow up 1,700 teachers in the implementation of the plan.


   3. Strengths in the ICPD

ESI contributes to education of youth in sexual and reproductive health by promoting a curriculum that includes teaching youth about their bodies, about valuing emotions and feelings in interpersonal relationships, solidarity, respect for life and integrity, and the exercising of their rights related to sexuality. In this sense, it not only contributes to sexual and reproductive health, but also to youth development, since it addresses the issue through a more general and complete approach.


   4. Quality assurance/ previous evaluation

The program has an ongoing partnership with UNFPA since its launch, and it has been published several materials to inform and provide orientation for youth. A study conducted by UNICEF and UNFPA attested the “urgency and need” for such a program, and the merits and qualities that it had.


   5. Experience in South-South Cooperation initiatives

The Ministry of Education of Argentina explores international cooperation through the National Office for International Cooperation (DNCI). The DNCI operates under the principle that cooperation in educational matters is a space for dialogue, experience exchange, and political convergence. It fosters numerous cooperation projects in the MERCOSUR integration process (within MERCOSUR’s educational sector), with international organizations such as UNFPA and UNESCO, and other bilateral agreements that contribute to the country’s development.



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