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Municipal Government of Paracho de Verduzco
   1. Background (brief history)

Paracho de Verduzco is a town with an indigenous descent population, located in the state of Michoacán. Recently, the municipal government of Paracho de Verduzco launched a program to improve sexual and reproductive health of adolescents, with the goal of preventing adolescent pregnancy and maternal mortality through two components:

  • The establishment of Care Units for Pregnant Women (AME) in the communities of the municipality that have the higher rates of maternal mortality

  • Capacitation and the building of alliances with young promoters of sexual and reproductive health, as a way to actively engage youth in the program and create ties with the community.


   2. Areas of expertise

The municipal government works through the Municipal Council of Health, the Municipal Authority  of Women, in coordination with the civil society organization “Humanas sin Violencia” (Humans without Violence) to offer the following activities and services:

  • Drivers in the care unit for emergencies and weekly appointments to follow up with all patients.

  • Bilingual medical care for the indigenous population that only speaks purépecha.

  • Capacitation of young community leaders in: sexual rights, contraceptive methods, family planning, family violence, unwanted pregnancy, the usage of condoms, among others. These young leaders then become the bridge between the program and the communities.

  • The organization, together with these young leaders, of health fairs.

  •  Capacitation of doctors, nurses and midwifes in the areas of SRH and maternal mortality prevention.


   3. Strengths in the ICPD

The program addresses adolescent pregnancy and maternal mortality rates in an integral manner. It offers direct attention to pregnant women, promotes preventive action for teen pregnancy and promotes SRH, while building linkages with the communities through the participation of youth, generating a multipliable and replicable mechanism. By involving youth, the program also contributes to their development and empowerment.
It acts, therefore, in several areas of the ICPD, such as SRH, maternal mortality prevention, demographic dividend, vulnerable (indigenous) populations, among others.


   4. Quality assurance/ previous evaluation

The municipal government program’s quality and work was recognized by the National Award to Good Practices 2014, which was carried out by a partnership among Fundación Idea, UNFPA, ImJuve and USAID. It was elected the best local practice for youth in 2014.


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