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   1. Background (brief history)

IBGE is the main institution of the Brazilian government dedicated to producing statistical and geographic information, accurately depicting the Brazilian demographic, geographical and populational status and its realities. It uses advanced methodology both when conducting fieldwork and desk analysis, taking advantage of top-notch information and communication technology.




   2. Areas of expertise

The Institute develops the following activities:

  • Production, analysis, coordination, consolidation and dissemination of statistical, geographical, demographic and socioeconomic information.

  • Gathering of data and indicators that describe Brazil’s populational and geographic dynamics.

  • Investment in methodologies for populational projections, estimates, and socio-demographic indicators.

  • Production of demographic indicators related to Reproductive Health: maternal mortality, child mortality, fertility, among other rates


   3. Strengths in the ICPD

IBGE is an institution in the Brazilian Public Administration, under the umbrella of the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management. Its activities are carried out in national territory, through research and dissemination.

These are some of the initiatives performed by IBGE that are related to the ICPD subjects:

  • Capacitating professionals in populational methodologies and estimates, as well as socio-demographic indicators.

  • Improvement of projection and estimate methodology, with research centers.

  • Production of information regarding demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the population through census, household research, administrative registries, among other sources.

  • Database and indicator development regarding RH through working groups formed by government bodies, NGOs, professional associations and universities.

  • Production of serial demographic indicators concerning RH of the Brazilian population.


   4. Quality assurance/ previous evaluation

  • Recognized partner in various successful UNFPA initiatives.

  • Won the 2015 Awards for Global Tobacco Control from Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards for the implementation of the Global Adult Tobacco Survey, since 2008.

  • Successfully organized and hosted the 2015 World Statistics Congress, the International Statistics Institute flagship event, in Rio de Janeiro.

  • Lastly, IBGE’s excellent work granted Brazil’s election for the United Nations Statistitical Commission (2014 to 2017).


   5. Experience in South-South Cooperation initiatives

IBGE has participated in numerous initiatives in SSC, especially by providing technical cooperation. One example is the loan of Personal Digital Assistants and the corresponding technical support in the associated activities of training, logistics, systems design, among others, for the use in the census activities carried out by the National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of Africa and South America, in the 2010 Census Round. Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Paraguay and Uruguay are among the countries benefitted by such cooperation.

Another initiative, currently under progress, is the recent agreement with the NSOs South Africa and Senegal, as well as the UNFPA, to undertake a joint effort to adopt “a strategy to facilitate the implementation of the use of Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) equipped with GPS, in the holding of the 2020 Population Census Round for African countries that so wish.” Such actions will contribute to a better monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals in the region.



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