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   1. Background (brief history)

The National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW) is the official national mechanism responsible for realizing women's advancement and gender equality in Lebanon.  It was formed in 1995 to prepare for the Fourth World Conference in held in Beijing, China in that same year, and was given official status at the prime ministry level in 1998.  The objective of the NCLW is to promote and create civil legislation that encourages gender equality in all aspects of society, build  capacity of women so that they can be politically and economically empowered, and bring change to the Lebanese society through advocacy social and behavioral trends and attitudes that maintain gender inequality. 





   2. Areas of expertise
  • Preparing and planning workshops, activities, studies, and regional and international conferences related to women’s affairs and gender equality.

  • Drawing, amending, and executing national strategies related to women’s economic development and integrating women in decision making roles and bodies in government

  • Coordinating policies and forming alliances with various public institutions and administrations, civil commissions, and NGOs to address issues related to women’s human rights, education, gender-based violence, political participation, etc.  

  • Developing initiatives to provide for reproductive health care for women

  • Dispelling negative and traditional stereotypes concerning women and gender roles through the use of media campaigns


   3. Strengths in the ICPD

The NCLW works in the following areas with ICPD:

  • Legislation and regulatory framework: advocates for the withdrawal of reservations that the Lebanese government has put in CEDAW, for legislation against violence, and for the elimination of remaining forms of discrimination against women in legislation, among others.

  • Education of women and girls

  • Health and reproductive health

  • Poverty eradication

  • Political participation of women

  • Economic participation of women, among others.


   4. Quality assurance/ previous evaluation

The Commission’s work and results have been recognized in UNFPA’s publications and website. It has partnered up with the UNFPA for a number of initiatives, such as the National Strategy for Women in Lebanon 2011-2021.


   5. Experience in South-South Cooperation initiatives

As for its international involvement, the NCLW is very active in international conferences, and has launched programs with developed partners, such as the latest one for gender equality with the European Union. It has also done publications in partnership with organizations such as OXFAM and Frederick Ebert Stiftung (FES).

However, no records of south-south cooperation initiatives were found.

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