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   1. Background (brief history)

Health Initiatives (IS) is a Civil Association of Health Professionals founded in 2001. It seeks to enhance the role of health professionals and equipment to defend sexual and reproductive rights as human rights, by gathering health professionals that are connected to the subjects of sexual and reproductive health, especially those with a focus in women’s health. It is formed by doctors from many medical areas such as gynecology, community medicine, legal medicine, psychiatry, among others, obstetricians, midwifes, social workers, among others, in addition to women and men committed to human rights promotion in health-related matters.

As an organization, IS is part of an inter-institutional alliance. Other parties to this alliance include the Medical School of the Universidad de la República, the Medical Union of Uruguay, the Medical Federation of the Interior, and the Uruguayan Society of Sexual and Reproductive Health, among others. It is an organization that takes coordinated action with civil society organizations and other sectors committed to the promotion of SRH.




   2. Areas of expertise
The association has many programs in SRH promotion, in areas such as advocacy, youth, monitoring and evaluation, intercultural activities, among many others.

In partnership with the Ministry of Health, IS implemented the Uruguayan Model of Risk and Harm Reduction – Health Initiatives against Abortions Performed under Risk Conditions (ISCAPCR). The initiative was created in 2002, and sought to inform, advise and assist women who were considering interrupting their pregnancies. The service was developed in three sectors: with health professionals, by engaging them, with women and the community, empowering them, and with the public health system, improving quality and care.

The goal was to prevent maternal mortality due to unsafe abortions and reduce the number of future abortions by raising awareness and spreading information on contraceptive methods. For women considering abortions, in the decision period, IS informed them of alternatives to abortion, of safe abortion methods, and of risks and consequences. For women who had interrupted their pregnancies, the program provided integral healthcare, prevention of complications, integral rehabilitation, and contraceptive measures to avoid future unwanted pregnancies. With such activities, IS empowered women, prevented maternal mortality and was also able to develop epidemiological analysis on the subject.


   3. Strengths in the ICPD

By assisting women through advice and information, helping them make informed and safer decisions on one side, while preventing health complications and promoting contraception on the other, Health Initiatives acted on SRH, maternal health, and gender equality, among other areas.


   4. Quality assurance/ previous evaluation

The Pan-American Health Organization and the World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) awarded the IS in the “V Competition of Best Practices that Incorporate a Gender and Ethnic Perspective in Health” of 2012, stating that the initiative is adaptable to countries that have restrictive legislation concerning abortion. Furthermore, the UNFPA participated in certain stages and areas of the program, and the program’s successful results were recognized in publications from the UNFPA.


   5. Experience in South-South Cooperation initiatives

The organization performs capacitation for delegations from countries from the region to inform about the model and its fundamental pillars. IS has also  developed advocacy activities in a regional and international level, even within the United Nations, and it participates in Congresses such as the 4th Iberoamerican Congress on Family and Community Medicine.


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